for establishing grain size on sheet and strip of all types on the basis of the Erichsen Cupping Test by comparison method, consisting of a plastic panel, suitable for wall mounting, with 8 Erichsen Cupping Test specimens showing grain boundaries V = 100 x. The grain sizes of the specimen sheet metal use dare 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000, 32000, 64000 μm. Precision grain size comparison is achieved with the help of a special lens, mounted on a guide rail.
Ensaio de chapas metálicas
Erichsen Grain Scale in acc. with ASTM E 112 and Iron and Steel Test Sheet 1510 – 61
Order number: 00050131-
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Ensaio de chapas metálicas
Erichsen Grain Scale in acc. with ASTM E 112 and Iron and Steel Test Sheet 1510 – 61
Model 100
Order number: 00040131
Máquina de ensaio de chapas metálicas, embutidura Erichsen, até 1,5 mm com 400 N/mm2
Order number: 00040131
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Model 111
Order number: 02300231
Máquina de ensaio de chapas metálicas, embutidura Erichsen, até 45 kN de força de tração
Order number: 02300231
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