for accurate observation of the appearance of the crack
Ensaio de chapas metálicas
Microscope with Magnification Factor 10 and Battery Operated Illumination
Order number: 00020132-
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Ensaio de chapas metálicas
Microscope with Magnification Factor 10 and Battery Operated Illumination
for accurate observation of the appearance of the crack
Model 100
Order number: 00040131
Máquina de ensaio de chapas metálicas, embutidura Erichsen, até 1,5 mm com 400 N/mm2
Order number: 00040131
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Model 111
Order number: 02300231
Máquina de ensaio de chapas metálicas, embutidura Erichsen, até 45 kN de força de tração
Order number: 02300231
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Model 200
Order number: 00010131
Máquina de ensaio de tintas, embutidura Erichsen, até 1,5 mm com 400 N/mm2
Order number: 00010131
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